• Ministry > YMI

    Praying: For whose ears?

    Palms sweaty, heart racing, mind on overdrive. No, it’s not nervousness over an impending exam or presentation, but, well . . . praying with others.

    I Wanted to Sing, But God’s Track was Different

    I had always loved singing and wanted to join the singing club in school. However, God had a different track in mind for me.

    The Circle Shows the Need for Genuine Community

    I recently read Dave Eggers’ 2013 novel The Circle, which was released a couple of weeks ago as a film starring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson. The story follows 24-year-old graduate Mae Holland who leaves her boring hometown job to get a customer relations position at the world’s most powerful social media corporation

    So You Think You Have the Best Bucket List?

    “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Recently my sons’ school principal addressed his students with this line from Mary Oliver’s poem “The Summer Day”, recognizing that with their best years lying ahead of them, life was full of wonder and possibility.

    My Identity Crisis: All I Wanted Was to Fit In

    I spent a large part of my adolescence searching for my identity as if it were a lost item to be found. I suppose it was because a large part of my childhood and early teenage years was spent moving between various states in Malaysia before settling in Auckland, New Zealand.

    When My Hard Work Amounted to Nothing

    I know people who are avid fans of Japanese author Haruki Murakami—his most notable books include Norwegian Wood and 1Q84. But while I don’t understand the extent of their fanaticism, I do see why Murakami’s works are so well-received

    The Time Nothing Went According to Plan

    This is a verse many Christians know by memory. I have known this verse since I was a little girl but never took it seriously.

    Battling Futility in Motherhood

    My baby cries. I look at the clock and sigh. Quickly, I finish drying the plate and get him from his cot. Here we go again.

    5 Humbling Lessons I’ve Learned As a New Mom

    As I’m writing this article, my 3½-month-old baby is stretching in her rocker and “talking” to herself. It amazes me how much she has grown in these past months—from a wrinkly, frowning newborn to a chubby, still frowning baby.

    My Quest for Love Nearly Destroyed Me

    Written By Aphesis, Singapore I come from a family of six. I have an elder sister, a younger sister, and a younger brother. My parents were hawkers. To give my siblings and I a comfortable life, they worked long hours and would not rest unless they fell sick. As a result, my siblings and I […]

    Why Am I Taking a Gap Year?

    I must admit that when I first decided to take a gap year, I might have started off on the wrong foot. You see, I was giving different reasons to different people—depending on who asked.

    Why Short-term Mission Trips May Not Always Be A Good Idea

    Have you been on a short-term mission trip before? If you haven’t, picture these three scenarios

    13 Words that Changed My Life

    There are certain moments in life we will never forget. We remember these times vividly because they have a profound impact on the way we view the world, ourselves, and how we approach life.

    What is God Calling Me To Do?

    There have been so many times in my life when I didn’t know what to do. Sometimes, those moments were silly, and getting the answer wrong didn’t have significant consequences.

    My Heart-breaking Relationship with A Non-Christian

    On the last day of 2016, I stopped replying to his emails. Our relationship was over. It all started in August 2015, when my family members introduced me to Alex*.

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